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Mitsubishi Mini-Split

This is a garden shed that was turned into a writing studio. It is fully insulated and heated and cooled by a Mitsubishi Mini-Split with Hyper heat. This unit will heat and cool the space very efficiently. They are quiet, reliable, and use very little electricity. There is no ductwork required, and no gas lines to install. It is 100% electric and uses the principle of heat transfer to condition the space. These systems work great for areas that do not have the proper ductwork such as bedrooms located over a garage.

CMR Mechanical has been a Mitsubishi Diamond Preferred Dealer for the last 5 years. Contact us today to schedule a review of your heating and cooling equipment.

Mitsubishi Mini Split
This garden shed was turned into a writing studio. It is fully insulated, and heated and cooled by a Mitsubishi Mini-Split with hyper heat technology.
Mitsubishi Mini Split
The mounted Mitsubishi mini split unit will heat and cool the space very efficiently. They are quiet, reliable, and use very little electricity.
Mitsubishi Mini Split
The remote control makes the system easy to use when out of reach, because the system is mounted on the wall, or suspended from the ceiling in some cases.
Mitsubishi Mini Split
This picture shows the back view of the outdoor unit.
Mitsubishi Mini Split
This picture shows the front view of the outdoor unit. The outdoor unit is the condenser or compressor of the air allowing the indoor unit to provide appropriate air temperature inside.

Customer Center: 3611 Central Street Dexter, MI 48130

CMR Payment address: PO Box 486 Dexter, Mi 48130

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