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Tips to Keep Warm this Winter

heating ann arbor

Are you looking for ways to keep warm without overworking your furnace?

Do you struggle to keep your house warm throughout the day? 

Keeping your home warm in winter doesn’t have to be expensive. There are ways to retain heat without running the furnace all day. If you’re paying more than you should be, there are some changes you can make. 

Install a High-Efficiency Furnace

Today’s high-efficiency furnaces have an efficiency rate of up to 97% compared to older, less efficient furnaces that are often only 65% efficient. Older furnaces are only designed to heat your house a maximum of 50 to 60 degrees warmer than the outside temperature. Upgrading to a high-efficiency furnace will keep your family warm even on the coldest winter days. If you want to get more efficient heating in Ann Arbor, a new furnace may be the way to go. 

Move Furniture Away from Vents

Vents often get blocked by couches or beds, preventing hot air from traveling through the room. This wastes money and makes the room colder. Moving your furniture away from vents allows the hot air to circulate through the room, avoiding wasted heat and money.

Quick Seal Windows 

Installing clear plastic film across the inside of your windows prevents hot air from escaping and keeps the cold air out! Window seal kits generally contain a clear plastic film and double-sided tape. Once you seal the plastic on your window with a blow-dryer, the plastic becomes nearly invisible. 

Change Furnace Filter 

If you have a forced-air system, changing the filter can save you money while reducing dust in the house. Changing the filter can also help your system last longer and makes it less likely to break down. If you don’t want to regularly buy furnace filters, there is a washable filter option that can last up to five years. 

Stay Warm with Efficient Heating in Ann Arbor 

Struggling to keep your house warm is a costly battle. Staying warm in the winter is easier with more efficient heating in Ann Arbor. There are steps you can take to improve the heating of your home, but installing a new furnace is something that should be done by professionals.

If you want to save money on heating this winter, installing a high-efficiency furnace is an investment worth making. Contact us or call (734)-424-9555to learn more about keeping your home comfortable. 

Customer Center: 3611 Central Street Dexter, MI 48130

CMR Payment address: PO Box 486 Dexter, Mi 48130

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