Home Energy Rebates

Winter HVAC Maintenance Prevents Costly Repairs

Heating and Cooling Ann Arbor

Do you want to prevent costly repairs?

Do you keep up with regular HVAC maintenance?

Is your HVAC on the fritz?

Shifting from furnace to air conditioning or vice versa can put a heavy strain on your system. It’s important to keep up on preventative maintenance services to keep it in perfect working condition. To run your HVAC system efficiently throughout the year, follow these 5 HVAC maintenance tips.

  1. Check your filter – You should clean or change your filter every 30 to 90 days to ensure your furnace is properly trapping dirt and other particles.
  2. Clean the heat pump – A dirty system can make your system work harder to heat and cool your house down.
  3. Schedule a tune-up – Having equipment cleaned and maintained is important to help your system last as long as possible and work efficiently.
  4. Clean the vents – Cleaning your vents will prevent additional dust and dander to infiltrate your system.
  5. Control your thermostat – Replace your manual thermostat with a programmable thermostat to reduce heating and cooling costs over time.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Heating and Cooling Your Ann Arbor Home

Written agreements are important so you don’t get misled. It can be troublesome to find out that a contractor you hire doesn’t have your best interests in mind. Imagine how great it would be to have a worry-free experience!

At CMR Mechanical, our contractors put a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee for equipment and all services in writing. It’s our promise to you!

We’re committed to providing you with the highest level of service and installation in the industry. Whether you're scheduling an appointment, reviewing payment options, or following up on services already provided, we go out of our way to make everything as convenient as possible for you.

Schedule Your Winter Clean & Check Inspection with the Heating and Cooling Experts at CMR Mechanical

If you’re not ready to install a new heating system, tuning up the system you have may be a good idea. Having equipment cleaned and maintained is important to help your system last as long as possible and work efficiently. CMR Mechanical’s trained technicians specialize in checking the health of residential heating and cooling systems and providing services to improve the system’s efficiency. You’ll notice a difference in how your home feels, and it’s a great way to extend the life of your system. 

Customer Center: 3611 Central Street Dexter, MI 48130

CMR Payment address: PO Box 486 Dexter, Mi 48130

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