Home Energy Rebates

Heating in Ann Arbor Upgrade for Second Home Get-Away

This home sits on 40 acres and is used as a second home get-away. The home was built with a oil forced air furnace for heating in Ann Arbor with no A/C. The homeowner requested the addition of A/C, as well as, a way to keep the home comfortable during the cooler months with appropriate heating in Ann Arbor. The homeowner also requested the ability to heat the home in the winter to avoid the possibility of freezing. A Mitsubishi Mini Split system fills all of the requirements, and is a very economical choice.

Heating Ann Arbor
The home is utilized mostly in the spring, fall, and summer months. the Mitsubishi Mini-Split multizone heating and cooling system is the perfect addition to keep the home comfortable.
Heating Ann Arbor
The outdoor unit is mounted on a wall bracket to ensure that the unit is kept out of the snow. The line sets above the unit are attached to the indoor heads.
Heating Ann Arbor
The indoor unit for the bedroom is attached to the wall. The unit has a built in thermostat, which is controlled by a remote.
Heating Ann Arbor
Washable filters inside the indoor units are easy to clean.
Heating Ann Arbor
The thermostat for the indoor head can be mounted on the wall or carried around the room. Each indoor head has it's own remote. Unoccupied rooms can be turned off, saving electricity.

Customer Center: 3611 Central Street Dexter, MI 48130

CMR Payment address: PO Box 486 Dexter, Mi 48130

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