Lake House Closed Loop Geothermal
Climatemaster Closed Loop Geothermal system installation. These pictures show the process of putting in a geothermal system. It requires burying a lot of pipe into the ground. These pipes transfer energy to the geothermal unit which heats and cools your home. As a bonus this system also makes domestic hot water which lowers your water heating bills.

First Shovel Full with Excavator. You can see the condition of the yard prior to installation. The yard will be repaired and look like new when we are finished.

Half way through digging the Geothermal field. an excavator is used to bury the geothermal pipe at an average depth of 5 feet deep. Our patented geothermal designer software takes the soil conditions, size, and efficiency of your home into consideration to make sure that your system is sized correctly.

High Density Polyethelene Pipe is positioned into the trench. The pipe is seperated so it can maximize the energy of the earth. The green pipe is a drain tile from gutter runoff water.

After all of the pipe is layed into the trench the pipe is connected together in parallel. This ensures that the system uses all of the pipes equally. The header pit is where the pipes are fused together. In the fusion process the pipe is connected to the header. From the header the pipes are connected to the house.

Finished view of the header pit.

Backfilling the trench takes time. We ensure that no large rocks are placed near the pipes. The geothermal field is nearly complete after we backfill.

Re-landscaping the lawn is important to CMR and the Homeowner. This process can add a day or more to the job. It is important for us to leave a job as good or better than we found it. Here is the start of finish grade.

Topsoil is brought in to ensure that grass will grow over the new geothermal field. This is an option if the customer desires it.

Yard is seeded, rolled, strawed. This is to ensure the best possible growth conditions. CMR is one of the few companies that does this. We are committed to your complete satisfaction.

Completed yard after regrowth. As you can see, the yard looks better than before we started. The customer was very happy with the installation.

This is a picture of the flow center. It is where the geothermal unit connects to the outside geothermal field.

Two new Bradford White electric water heaters. CMR uses 1 for a storage tank and 1 hooked up to the electric panel. The storage tank holds tempered water so the electric water heater can heat it to temperature. This reduces the electric load, which saves you money.

Time to Flush the system. A flush cart is used to pump water through the system. A typical system uses over 100 gallons of water. The water absorbs the energy from the ground and transfers it to the Geothermal Unit. After flushing is complete methanol or glycol is added to drop the freeze point of the fluid.

Completed unit. Notice the pipes on the lower right side of the unit. The domestic hot water on top and the supply and return on the bottom. Another professional Installation by CMR Mechanical 734-424-9555